Recent talks about the latest consoles blocking used games has the gaming world talking again. I know this has been discussed in the past on TXL, but has anyone’s views changed? Should the next console prevent used games or should we just let used games die when consoles go digital only (I say this because I see this happening in the future)?
I’ve listened to multiple podcasts over the past few weeks and it seems that most people are split down the middle. Most of the gamers on the side of not caring bring up the great point of Steam and iOS games. These outlets already prevent used games. I know they are digital only, but millions of gamers are buying up games from these services. Personally I’m on this side of the fence! I’m not a used game buyer or seller. I spend my money on games that I want to keep. If there is a time that I make a mistake and purchase a game that I do not like I still keep it. I don’t think going to a store like GameStop and getting $5.00 for it is worth it.
Some reasons why I think removing used games are the following. Keeping used games around is going to help drive the cost of games higher! We already see this with online passes. Developers want some of the money out of used games so they are adding ways to get your money. One fact is this…if used games were gone so would online passes. Also if used games were gone games may become cheeper! I think this would have to happen. Again I want to use Steam as an example. Games on Steam have multiple price points and sales. The reason is because the developer always gets a piece of the pie. Ask any PC gamer about Steam. They love it. Now the used game market in the PC world does exit, but I don’t hear as many people protesting it.
On the show Wingman709 always brought up a great point of selling what we purchase. I know one big example is used cars. I’ve purchased a used car and even traded in my car to purchase another. Now I agreed with this point until I listened to a recent podcast and found out that the big car companies are in the used car business. The reason why they don’t care as much is because they get a piece of the pie. Now I’m taking this by word, but it makes sense. If this is the case and we want used games to stick around then the publishers/developers would need to get into the used game world, but I really don’t see this happening outside of online passes.
What do you think? Am I completely blind to this topic? I know this is a touchy subject for some, but what will it hurt to block them? What will we see in the next cycle if they do not? Will the Steam Box survive if it releases? All things I would like to hear from you about!